New Year: what are the differences between in the United States and Brazil?

New Year: what are the differences between in the United States and Brazil?

    Like Christmas, there are several traditions and ways to celebrate the New Year in each country. In this article, we will learn a little more about the holiday festivities in Brazil and the United States, the countries in which Citrus was formed.
    One of the most popular practices in Brazil during December 31 is to wear white clothes with colorful underwear, each color having its own meaning. However, in the United States this practice is not common.
Unlike Brazil, in the United States, people don't usually stay up until dawn, all parties usually end right after midnight.
     A very remarkable event in the United States takes place in Manhattan, New York, is New Year's Eve of Times Square, in which during the countdown, a lit-up ball descends from the top of the One Times Square building to the ground. When it comes to the surface, it symbolizes that a new year has begun. The entire event is broadcasted on TV all across the country.
     In Brazil, there are several events in several cities to celebrate the New Year, but what most resembles that of Times Square is the New Year's Eve of Avenida Paulista, in São Paulo or Copacabana beach in Rio de Janeiro. There, there are several musical attractions and a countdown accompanied by fireworks.
     When it comes down to food, one of the most present dishes in Brazilian celebrations is lentil, because according to tradition, if the person eats the vegetable, they will have a prosperous year. 
     In the United States, on the other hand, this success is associated with pig and black beans, which also represent prosperity.
      Regarding the beliefs to ensure a happier year full of abundance, each country has its own habits. In Brazil, one of the most popular practices, coming from Afro-Brazilian religions (Candomblé and Umbanda), is to jump over seven waves as a way to honor Iemanjá, queen of the sea. By doing this, the person will be lucky throughout the year. 
     In the United States, one way to guarantee luck throughout the year is to kiss the first person you see when you arrive at midnight.
The two countries have very festive celebrations, each in their own way, bringing joy and a lot of prosperity. 
It is thanks to all this that Citrus is so diverse and joyful, as it unites the best of these two countries.
    Here are some Citrus models that will make you even more elegant in your New Year's celebrations:

1. Green Apple

2. Pink Energy

3. White Mermaid Rose

4. Yellow Delicate





Company with tropical roots and that seeks to exalt and bring Brazilian culture to the United States, through customised sandals, combining the best of Brazil: joy, beauty and a lot of colour.


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