Easter is a celebration from the Catholic religion. It marks the end of Lent and the last day of Holy Week, a period in which Jesus Christ, according to the Bible, spent 40 days and 40 nights in the desert. The date also represents the day when Jesus was resurrected. Despite the religious symbolism, the celebration is marked by the figure of the Easter rabbit and the act of gifting people with chocolate eggs.
The choice of the rabbit as the animal that represents Easter has a very extensive history and several theories, but it is interesting to note that during the spring equinox in the northern hemisphere, the rabbit is one of the animals that are constantly seen in nature. As for a Christian factor, both rabbits and hare represent chastity, while Protestants argue that these animals represent fertility.
In recent centuries, one of the most popular traditions of the time, in the Americas, is the hunt for Easter eggs, in which parents hide the candy around the house and through clues the children find them. This event is also officially done by the White House. Adults of the Catholic and Protestant religions also usually go to church and celebrate the date.

Another very popular activity in the United States, especially in New York, is the Easter parades. One of the most popular takes place on Fifth Avenue, called "Easter Parade". Also very popular are the Easter Bonnets, the decorated hats, a tradition that emerged in the 1920s, when people wore new clothes just to enjoy the well-dressed Easter.
In the houses, during lunch, it is common to serve lamb meat, because in Jewish history, there was the sacrifice of lambs for God. This food is much more popular among Orthodox Christians, who do not consume pork.
Celebration in Brazil
In Brazil, the celebrations are very similar, but one of the great differences is that, in South American countries, Easter is a national holiday, while in the USA, it depends on the rules of each state.
In Brazil, egg hunting also occurs, but it is not as popular as gifting family members with chocolates, without necessarily having a search for them.
During Easter lunch, fish are usually served, especially cod, since during Lent, Good Friday and Easter, Christians avoid eating red meat.
In addition, another very popular tradition among Brazilian Christians is the processions, an event that simulates the walk that Jesus made when he was crucified. People walk through the streets holding candles and singing praises. At the end of the procession, there is a theater, which reconstructs the day of the crucifixion.
Therefore, there are several popular practices to celebrate Easter and its celebration is very important for religious and for those who love chocolate.
In addition to the traditional eggs, if you want to gift someone at Easter in a very special and elegant way, the tip is to buy a beautiful Citrus sandal. Check out some models we have selected for this remarkable occasion:
Funny Bunny
Good Bunny
Savannah Sunset
Lucky Night
Black Cinnamon