Christmas: What are the differences in American and Brazilian traditions?

Christmas: What are the differences in American and Brazilian traditions?

Christmas is one of the most popular celebrations in the West, and its traditions change according to each country, bringing new ways of celebrating everywhere you go. 
In this article, we present the differences between Christmas celebrations in Brazil and the United States, places where the different audiences of Citrus are.
The most notable difference between the two countries during Christmas are the seasons: in the United States it’s winter, meanwhile in Brazil it’s summer and the climate is tropical. So we can’t build a snowman, but we do get a sandman!
Still due to the weather, Brazilians also don’t wear “ugly sweaters” during the holiday.
In Brazil, the beginning of the celebrations take place on December 24, Christmas Eve, when a special dinner is served. In the United States, dinner is served during the afternoon of the 25th, after the delivery of gifts.
One of the most popular traditions in Brazil is Panettone, a bread stuffed with dried fruits or chocolate. 
But in the United States there is nothing like that. 
The closest are gingerbread cookies decorated with Christmas frosting. They also set up and decorate houses of gingerbread and hold contests.
Children also leave out cookies along with hot milk for Santa Claus to eat when he arrives at their homes.
A very popular drink of American Christmas is Eggnog, an egg yolk with cinnamon and clove. 
Unlike Brazilians, Americans don’t eat turkey on Christmas, they do on Thanksgiving, 
Instead on the 25th, roast chicken and ham are made.
In addition, Brazilians normally use plastic Christmas trees, in the United States the trees are changed every year and are natural. 
These are the main differences in tradition. 
But regardless of all these differences, the important thing is to celebrate with loved ones and make the most of this special and magical time.
Discover some models of Christmas Citrus sandals:

1. Red Jingle



2. White Holly

3. Black Santa

4 - Ginger Gold

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