Pride: the events that encouraged them

Pride: the events that encouraged them

The history of LGBTQIAPN+ pride is marked by constant struggles for freedom and civil rights of a population that has long claimed its recognition. In the United States, the movement began to gain strength and visibility in the late 1960s, a period when revolts and activism for the civil rights of African Americans also occurred.
The famous episode of Stonewall Inn, in New York, in 1969, is considered by many to be the starting point of the LGBT/Queer movement
Over the following decades, the US LGBTQIAPN+ movement overcame several challenges, such as the recognition of same-sex marriage.

Pride in Brazil 

In Brazil, the history of the LGBTQIAPN+ movement is marked by a different context, but is as impactful as that of the US. During the 1960s and 1970s, homosexuality was seen as a threat to the morals and values of society at the time.
By the end of the 1970s, the Brazilian military dictatorship played a crucial role in fostering LGBT activism: violent repression and censorship of the press and the arts were catalysts of the process of resistance and struggle for freedom. The creation of the Somos Group (1978) meant the beginning of the formation of LGBT activism in the country.
But it was only in the 1990s that advances occurred, for example with the prohibition of discrimination against this population and the recognition of same-sex marriage in some cities.
One of the great milestones of the movement was the Gay Parade of 1997, the first time the event took place in São Paulo.
The movement is still the target of prejudice and discrimination around the world. Despite this, the achievements and advances over the last decades make it clear that the struggle continues and that it is possible to achieve a more egalitarian society, in which people can be respected and loved for what they are.
And if you want to celebrate Pride in style, check out some models of Citrus sandals that represent this theme:

Pride Blue 

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