6 tips to keep your feet healthy

6 tips to keep your feet healthy

Feet are a very important part of the body, so ensuring that they stay healthy and beautiful can be a great way to improve your self-esteem and comfort. 
In this article, we will show some ways to maintain foot care:

1. Wash your feet daily: Use warm water and soap to wash your feet every day. Be sure to rinse them well and dry them thoroughly, especially between your fingers, to avoid mycoses.

2. Moisturize the feet: Use a suitable moisturizing foot cream daily to keep the skin soft and free of cracks. The best time to moisturize your feet is after a shower, when your feet are clean, soft, and after dry them.
3. Wear comfortable shoes: Choose shoes that are comfortable with good support for your arch and heel. Avoid wearing tight shoes or shoes that don't fit well. Try to wear sneakers, slippers and low sandals in your daily life.
4. Cut your nails correctly: Cut your toenails straight and not too short. Avoid cutting the corners of the nails to avoid an ingrown nail. If you want a more precise and aesthetic cut, look for a pedicure.
5. Avoid walking barefoot: Walking barefoot in public places, such as bathrooms, swimming pools, and changing rooms can increase the risk of fungal infections because several people pass through these places resulting in dirt getting left on the floor.
6. Check your feet regularly: Make sure your feet do not have wounds, cuts, blisters or signs of infection. Consult a podiatrist if you notice something unusual.
Remember that prevention is the best way to take care of your feet. By taking these precautions, you can keep your feet healthy and trouble-free.
With well-groomed feet, you can enjoy spring and summer in a comfortable and stylish way, wearing a Citrus sandal. 
Check out some models that will look perfect on your feet:

Terracota Glazed

Sweet Tangerine

Black Verbena

Blue Bianca 

Citrus Lemon

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